Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Stuttering - Causes, Treatment and Important Facts

What is Stuttering?

Stuttering (also known as Stammering) is a speech disorder that can be defined as involuntary interruptions to speech. These interruptions can include:

  • Repetitions of sounds - p p p put the milk in the fridge
  • Repetition of words - can can can I go outside
  • Prolongations of sounds - h---how old are you?
  • Blocks (involuntary stoppages of sounds often at the start of the word)

The nature of a child's stutter can vary from day to day and between months.

Stuttering Causes

Stuttering is thought to be a physical disorder probably caused by some problem with the neural processing (brain activity) that underlies speech production. Stuttering has a genetic component but the nature of the link is unknown.

Stuttering Facts

  • Stuttering arises in childhood.
  • Stuttering increases between 2 to 4 years of age.
  • Onset usually begins when the child is starting to put words together and formulate sentences.
  • Stuttering is 4 times more prevalent in males than females
  • Stuttering is NOT caused by psychological factors
  • Stuttering is NOT caused by adverse parenting practices


Early treatment is extremely important. Most effective treatments involve a behavioral treatment approach.

If you have concerns that your child stutters, it's best to contact a speech pathologist for treatment advice. The earlier you can get onto it, the more chances for it to be resolved. Many children naturally recover from stuttering however it is difficult to determine which children will and won't naturally recover. Natural recovery is more likely when there is a family history of natural recovery or recovery occurs shortly after onset. It is important to note that girls are more likely to naturally recover than boys.

For more information about stuttering, visit Child Health Review http://www.childhealthreview.com website.

How to Stop Stuttering in Adults

Although everyone trips over their words from time to time, some people do it on a constant and subconscious level. If you are an adult who has stuttering or stammering problems, then you know how strongly this affects every aspect of your life.

When most people feel nervous around meeting someone new, your nerves are taken to a whole new level. This is because you have to worry about whether or not you are going to stutter and how they are going to take it. You are used to people giggling or laughing at you and it really hurts your self-esteem. All you want is for your stuttering to be gone so you can have some confidence in yourself and not stand out any more.

There are some ways to help to stop stuttering in adults and they are easy to do. A great way to overcome your stuttering is to read out loud whenever you can. This will help you to control the pace in which you speak so you can stop your stutter from happening. Another great way to stop stuttering in adults is to take a class such as yoga. Yoga will help you to calm your nerves and also, to control your body and your mind. You will be able to have some control over the way that you speak so your stutter will no longer be an issue. Try these methods to stop your stuttering so you can fit in and feel confident about yourself.

You don't have to struggle through another sentence again. Speaking in front of new people doesn't have to be an issue for you any longer. You can stop your stuttering and stammering and change the way you live your life. To find out more about how to stop stuttering and stammering, visit this Helpful Site!

Remedies For Stuttering

Stuttering and stammering are big problems that people have to live with. Although a lot of people stutter from time to time, some people live with it on a constant basis. They struggle to get through every sentence that comes out of their mouth. It is extremely embarrassing and it makes easy tasks seem impossible. If you have a speech impediment such as stuttering, then you know how life is for you.

You don't have any confidence in your speech, and in order to be a successful person in this world, that is a skill you have to have. We communicate to get the things that we want in life and if we can't communicate properly, we won't get those things. Since you have a stutter, some people might not take you seriously and it is not your fault. It is just your stutter. It's time that you stopped living this way. It is time that you found a remedy for your stutter that would work fast for you.

Thankfully, there are some remedies for stuttering that are out there and that will work for you. For instance, a great remedy for stuttering is yoga. Yoga is a great way to regain control over the body and the mind. If you can get your mind and body to be in sync with one another, then you will be able to have more control over your pace of speech. Another great remedy is to practice speaking out loud. Read out loud whenever you possibly can because then you can hear your speech and learn how to correct it. Plus, you will get a feel for how the words are supposed to roll off of your tongue.

You don't have to struggle through another sentence again. Speaking in front of new people doesn't have to be an issue for you any longer. You can stop your stuttering and stammering and change the way you live your life. To find out more about how to stop stuttering and stammering, visit this Helpful Site!